Sunday, October 12, 2008

snow in october!

Snowing in Ekat!! We were privy to see our first snow this trip late yesterday afternoon and must say that October in Ekat is quite different than a typical fall day in Dallas! We have successfully finished our first week of ministry and are gearing up for week 2. We ended week 1 of the English classes with a scavenger hunt on Friday night. The students really get into this and we had 70+ students show up and participate. Jamie and I are proud to announce that though we didn't end up in first place, we did follow closely in 2nd place...This morning Jamie and the guys took an excursion to the Russian Banya which has left him tired and ready for a nap...But, instead we will venture to the ZooPark (zoo) with a few of our students...We are thinking it is too cold for the outdoors, but apparently we are the only ones with this mind-set, so off to the zoo we will go...That's all for now, stay tuned for more and enjoy the pictures!

Poka, Poka, (Goodbye)
Ashley and Jamie

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

B-r-r-r! Although you look adorable this picture makes me cold! Praise God that things are going well. Andy is leading the CG tomorrow night. We miss you both and will be continuing to remember you in our prayers.
Love you