Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday and rollin...

Hard to believe it's Wednesday already of week 2! We were excited to see that most of our students decided to come back for the 2nd week of classes. We have a very active and vivacious group of students which helps to keep us on our toes and keeps things quite interesting. Last night our 'text' was the Prodigal Son and the students really seemed to relate to the prodigal son. We were able to have some deep discussions about how even when we stray from God, he always welcomes us back with open arms. For a lot of our students this is the first time many of them have ever heard of Jesus and about his love for them. We are hoping that many of the students will attend the Forest Fun party this Sat/Sun. It is a retreat that the local Compas Team here puts on and there will be various opportunities for them to hear more about how to have a relationship with Christ.

Other than classes, we are keeping busy touring the city, eating good Russian food, and just enjoying the culture. Jamie and I have had many opportunities to exercise our Russian speaking skills and though we are FAR from fluent-the fact that we can speak even some of the language has helped us out a lot.

Thanks for the prayers and please continue to pray for us as well as the students we are connecting with.

That's all for today...Check back again soon!


1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jamie and Ashley...
We are so happy to hear that you are doing well and the Lord is blessing your efforts ther in Russia. We are missing you in CG but are thankful to be able to be a part of your work by supporting you in our prayers.
Be safe and come home to us soon!