Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Top 10 things I've learned while traveling to Ekat

1. Now I know what Ashley means when she says she doesn't function well without sleep.

2. Flying overseas married is much better because you can stretch out into your partners seat.

3. The aisle loses its luster when your wife has to use the facilities every 15 minutes.

4. It helps to speak German in Germany.

5. Next time someone offers you something with green sauce and eggs, just pass.

6. Little did I know until my wife told me, "frankfurters fit within the south beach diet."

7. I'm now grateful the airlines limit the amount of luggage you can check in.

8. Ashley apparently would have been a giant in 10th century Germany.

9. Swords are cool.

10. arriving at 6am after after traveling for 24 + hours without sleep and finding out they lost your reservation, priceless.


Sam said...

great list. can definitely relate to several of those items. being a giant in 10th c. germany? not so much.

Unknown said...

Hilarious! So glad you two are on this journey together!